Our Services

Cloud-Based Accounting Solutions

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Financial Analysis & Modelling

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Tax Preparation & Audit

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Business Plan Development

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Technology Outsourcing

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Digital Marketing Strategy

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About Brics Africa Consulting

BRICS Africa Consulting Ltd is a Ghanaian firm that provides a wide range of consultancy services to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Start-ups, and Faith-based Organisations.

The company’s services include Information technology needs assessment, Business plan development, Website and app development, Grant writing services for NGOs, Market research for product and service firms, Financial advisory, QuickBooks training and installation, Tax advisory services, and

Why Chose Us?

We are committed to offering creativity and innovation in everything we do, as it is this creativity which will differentiate us from our competitors while at the same time differentiating our clients from theirs.

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